TAKE ACTION: Demand legislators strengthen and pass My Health My Data

My Health My Data (HB 1155) provides strong privacy protections for Washingtonians’ health data. It blocks apps, websites, and advertisers from collecting and sharing Washingtonians’ health data without their consent, and requires a signed authorization for data brokers to buy or sell our health data. Pro-Choice Washington, Planned Parenthood Alliance Advocates, Legal Voice, Gender Justice … Read more

My Health My Data passes the House. Next stop, the Senate!

My Health My Data (HB 1155) safeguards Washington residents’ personal medical data and prevents it from being sold to bounty hunters, data brokers, and law enforcement. Pro-Choice Washington, Planned Parenthood Alliance Advocates; Gender Justice League, Legal Voice, and ACLU of Washington all support this bill. The original version of the bill was very strong, but … Read more

The Bad Washington Privacy Act did not pass! Thanks to everybody who got involved!

The Washington state legislature adjourned for the session today without taking any action on the Bad Washington Privacy Act, SB 5062.  It’s a huge win for Washingtonians’ privacy! This is the fourth year in a row that the Tech Equity Coalition members and grassroots activists have kept big tech lobbyists from writing the rules on … Read more